Prima Donna English Hr Sec School
Prima Donna English Hr Sec School
Prima Donna English Hr Sec School
Advertise on is a tool that allows users to locate, access information about events/kumhei happening and the upcoming events/kumhei such as Thabal, Eshei, Sumang Lila, Edu Kumhei, Lai Haraoba, Sports, Musical concert, Seminar, Public meeting, Live concert, Movies, Festivals and many Events/Kumhei around you.
Available ad sizes:
728x90 Leaderboard
300x250 Rectangle
300x600 Rectangle
Rich Media capabilities
Mobile site ad sizes
320x50 or 300x50
Creative Specs
All site ads must follow these creative specs:
Maximum polite file sizes are 40k .jpg .gif .swf or rich media
Maximum animation time is 15 seconds (includes up to 3 loops)
Rich media units require user initiated expansion
Sound must be user initiated
All click-through must open in a new browser window
Ads cannot be disguised as news or mimic site functionality
Contact Us
To have an sales representative contact you, please email us at sales(at)kumhei(dot)com
We invest in novel and innovative ideas.
If we share partnership, we "will" give all our services for your satisfactory. Some of our services can be mention here :-
Most of visitors are under the demographic age group between 15 - 34 year old.
We are also actively involved on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc, where we regularly shared the events/kumhei updates/news published via
Please send us your quote to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
# We normally do not sponsor any event organized by any other body, at least with cash.
How to contribute to
Dear contributors, we welcome you to the team. We are more than happy to contribute yours events/kumhei details, articles, photos and videos published on
You can follow the instuction to contribute to :
Please submit your upcomming and happening events/Kumhei details as title, vinue, date and time, photos and others description. Please send the photos separately in its original file format.
Please submit your events/kumhei article, clearly written in a simple text file or a MS-word document and zip (or tar) it and send to as an attachment.
If there be any photos to be associated with the articles, please send the photos separately in its original file format.