Here it comes
OUGRI 2018 Battle of Bands
For more details contact event managers
• In order to be eligible to compete in the contest and win a prize, each Band Member must be in full compliance
with these official rules at all times, from the date each band submits its entry form and becomes an entrant in this contest through the conclusion of the competition.
All bands must contain a minimum of two (2) members.
• On the day of performance, band members must be dressed in clothing free from obscenities. Thisis a family oriented event and therefore only activities suitable for families will be permitted.
• Band name and lyrics of performance songs must not contain any obscenities. Judges can and will deduct points for any use of obscenities. Microphones will be shut off.
• The entire performance must be violence-free and suitable for families.
• The use of any illegal substances will not be tolerated. If any band member is suspected to be under the influence of an illegal substance, the entire band will be disqualified and the proper authorities will be notified. In addition, if any band member(s) is suspected of alcohol use, the entire band will be disqualified.
• All band members are required to be present at least 30 minutes prior to performance time to check in with the coordinator. If all band members are not present and ready to set up for performance 10 minutes before going on stage, the band will be disqualified.
• All participants are required to be courteous and respectful toward all other participating musicians and follow in- structions given by all staff and sound personnel.
• In the unfortunate event any member of a band is not eligible or is disqualified, then the entire band is subject to disqualification.
• A well equipped sound setup, several microphones, drum will be provided but instruments and related equipment will not. Bands must provide their own equipment such as guitars, bass, etc.
• Band members are responsible for the security of their own equipment. Ougri 2018 organizing committee will not be held responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen equipment.
• Each band will be given the opportunity to play for 20 mins on stage. 15 mins for peforming and 5 mins for sound check. But if the band wishes to skip the sound check and proceed to the performance, they must inform the orga- nizers beforehand. For every minute exceeding the 20 minute limit, the band will be penalized 5 points from their total score.
• In the given time, bands can play anytype of setlist. But an original compositon by the band must be included
(Genre is not specific but rock and roll is encouraged). So bands are advised to manage their time well.
• To ensure fairness and equality, there will be no effects provided by NITManipur, whether sound or visual. All per- formers will use the same stage with the same lighting state.
• If after your band has agreed to play their set modelled after the criteria explained above and fail to provide the required amount of material listed, this infraction will result in immediate
Battle of the Bands will be open to all skill levels and genres while keeping the event fair and competitive. Judges
will be asked to ignore "genre bias" - to not reward a band for playing a style of music the judge personally likes - and, conversely, to not penalize a band simply because the music isn't agreeable with the judge's personal taste. Each judge will be given a scoring sheet for each band and will be asked to write comments. Once the competition is over, all bands will receive the judges comments. Our judges are carefully selected local musicians with years of experience as teachers and performers.