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A solo singing competition

1. No age and background limit.
2. There will be two categories i.e. English Category and Manipuri Category. Participants are requested to choose either one of the category at the time of registration.
3. Pure classical. gospel & patroitic songs are NOT allowed
4. All genres of music are allowed with the exception of heavy metal.thrash & rap.
5. The participant can use either of the perfomance aid mentioned below:
(i) Karaoke track(to be brought by the participant)
(ii) An acoustic guitar or a keyboard (NO instrument will be provided by the organisers and should be played by themself or a maximum of 1 accompanist).
6. Judging will be solely done on the basis of vocal performance.
7. No backing vocals are allowed. Participant may be disqualified if the accompanist added backing vocals.
8. Obscenity (at the discretion of judges) of any kind is not allowed and will lead to immediate disqualification.
9. The decision of the judges and organising committee shall be final and binding.
10. Responsibility of any mishaps regarding the performance aid shall not be borne by the organisers.
1. Each participant will be given a maximum of 3 minutes to introduce and showcase their talent.
2. Top 5-10 participants(exact no. will be announced on the audition day) from each category will proceed for semifi- nals.
3. The Semifinals and Finals will be on 30/03/2018 on the
OUGRI Main stage

*** Additional rules for the semifinals and finals will be notified
to the selected participants on the Audition day.